CfP: Past and Present: Why Rosa Luxemburg now?

24-25-26 January 2023

University of Pisa and Scuola Normale Superiore 


Abstract Deadline: September 15, 2022

Notification: September 30, 2022

There are few thinkers and political fighters in history whose strong influence cannot be ignored and whose thoughts and lives still inspire and guide 21st century political-economic-social and cultural questions and events. Rosa Luxemburg is among those whose thoughts and ideas along with her active political struggle are still very relevant. Instead, her thoughts and writings on a wide range of themes such as militarism, war, capitalism, colonialism, feminism, parliamentarism, democracy, imperialism, political organization, freedom, theory and practice, and reform/revolution continue to shed light on contemporary political and cultural challenges and the struggle by a variety of different political actors (social movements, political parties, progressive governments, etc.) across the world to deal with and overcome them.

The conference wishes to embrace an interdisciplinary approach, inviting participants from different backgrounds and fields of research as well as political activism to share their work, studies and application of Rosa Luxemburg’s ideas, thoughts, actions and writings in relation to urgent contemporary problems, issues, events, and questions. The conference encourages not only those active in the social sciences but - given that Luxemburg had different interests from literature to art (painting), to botany etc. - also those who can bring different methods, perspectives and ideas into the discussion, for example by means of a theatrical performance or a poetic presentation.

Scholars and scholar-activists at any stage of their career, who are interested to participate in the conference, are requested to send a short abstract (300 words max.) and a short biographical note (150 words max.) to the following email address: Giulia Longoni (  Accepted papers will appear in the book we aim to publish at the end of the conference.

The accepted contributions will be notified by September 30, 2022.

The Conference, held in English, will take place in person. In case of travel restrictions due to the pandemic, the conference will be held in a hybrid format, allowing for virtual participation. There is no conference fee, but participants are expected to cover their travel and accommodation expenses.  

The authors of selected papers will be allocated 15 minutes for their presentation during the conference.

Organized by: University of Pisa and Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa